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The ten performance of titanium

Source: Xinyu Chen Technology Co. Ltd.   Time:2020-04-22 11:12:46

     Small density, high specific strength


Titanium density of 4.51 g/cm3, below aluminum and above the steel, copper, nickel, but strength is located in the top of the metal.


Corrosion resistance of


Titanium is a kind of very reactive metals, the equilibrium potential is very low, the thermodynamic corrosion tend to be large in the medium. But in fact, titanium in many medium is stable, such as titanium in oxidizing, neutral and weak reducing medium is corrosion resistant. This is because has a great affinity, titanium and oxygen in the air or oxygen medium, and generate a dense layer of titanium surface oxidation film, strong adhesion, large inertia, protect the titanium substrate from corrosion. Even if due to mechanical wear and tear will soon heal or to regenerate. It shows that the titanium is a strong passivation tendency of metal. Medium temperature under 315 ℃ titanium oxide film has always been to maintain this feature.


In order to improve the corrosion resistance of titanium, studies the oxidation, electroplating, plasma spraying, ion nitriding, ion implantation and the surface treatment technology, such as the laser processing of titanium oxide film played an enhanced protective effect, obtained the hoped for corrosion resistant effect. In sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, methylamine solution in high temperature, high humidity chlorine and chloride production's need for metal materials, developed titanium molybdenum, titanium and palladium, titanium molybdenum - nickel and so on a series of corrosion resistant titanium alloy. Titanium castings used - 32 molybdenum alloy, titanium environments for pitting and crevice corrosion of often used titanium molybdenum - 0.3-0.8 - the local use of nickel alloy or titanium equipment titanium - 0.2 palladium alloy, has obtained the very good use effect.


Heat resistant performance is good


New type of titanium alloy at 600 ℃ or higher temperature for long-term use.


Low temperature resistant performance is good


Titanium alloy TA7 al (Ti - 5-2.5 Sn), TC4 (Ti 6 al 4 v) and Ti - 2.5 - Zr - 1.5 Mo represented by the low temperature of titanium alloy, its strength increase with the decreasing of temperature, but the plastic changes are much less. In - 196-253 ℃ low temperature keep the good ductility and toughness, avoid cold brittleness, the metal is a cryogenic vessel, tank and other equipment ideal material.


Damping resistance is strong


Titanium by mechanical vibration, electric vibration, compared with steel, copper, its longest vibration attenuation. Using the properties of titanium as a tuning fork, medical ultrasonic mill vibration components and advanced audio speakers such as the vibration of the thin film.


No magnetic, non-toxic


Titanium is a nonmagnetic metal, will not be magnetized in large magnetic field, non-toxic and has good intermiscibility with human tissue and blood, so adopted by the medical community.


     Tensile strength and yield strength


The properties of titanium shows its showed high (tensile strength/yield strength), said the titanium material in forming the difference of plastic deformation. Because of titanium yield limit and elastic modulus ratio is large, to make the titanium forming ability to rebound.


Heat transfer performance is good


The coefficient of thermal conductivity of titanium than low carbon steel and copper, but due to the excellent corrosion resistance of titanium, so wall thickness can be thinned greatly, and the surface and the heat exchange way as the dropwise condensation of steam, reducing the heat group, too surface scaling can reduce thermal resistance, made of titanium heat exchanger performance improved significantly.


Low modulus of elasticity


Titanium elastic modulus at normal temperature is 106.4 GPa, 57% of the steel.


Breathe in performance


Titanium is a kind of chemical nature very lively, metal at high temperature can react with many elements and compounds. Titanium getter mainly refers to the heat react with carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen. Windows 8 more detail exposure: more intuitive menu function

Dispatch of sina science and technology Beijing time on August 30, the morning news, Microsoft project director Alex simmons (Alex Simons) today published a blog post, has revealed more details of Windows 8, one of the most prominent feature is the wide application of "Ribbon" interface.

Images show that Windows 8 resource manager in the window above show many common features in the form of ICONS, such as "copy" and "paste" and "cut", etc., easy to find and use these features. In Windows 7 and earlier versions of Windows system, these functions are usually in the form of a sub menu, the user needs to click to complete after two. The new user interface will undoubtedly enhance the user experience.

The interface design is called "Ribbon", originally applied to Office 2007 software suite, Office 2010 continued the practice, Windows 7 part is adopted. Microsoft plans to fully integrate the interface in Windows 8.

Simmons said in a blog post, according to the survey, the user is the most commonly used Windows explorer menu functions "paste", then, in turn, is the "properties", "copy", "delete", "renamed", "refresh" and "cut", etc. The most commonly used 10 menu functions use accounted for 81.8% of the total, to lay a good foundation for the widespread use of "Ribbon" interface. 

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